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Meet Your Dedicated Horan Team

Insurance agens who are here to serve you.

New Policy Liaison

Meet Sandy Lamb

315-635-2095 (Phone/Text)
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That’s a fancy title for gathering all of your information and servicing your account.

Sandy has been a dedicated team member since July 2016.

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What Sandy Brings to the Team

Sandy is meticulous when it comes to organizing the general office area. She also washes dishes, waters the plants, and cleans the microwave (even though she never uses it).

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How Sandy Will Assist You

She has a knack for connecting with clients and making them laugh, even during life’s difficulties! Sandy’s natural tenacity will lead her to finding answers for even the most outlandish insurance questions. So, don’t be shy!

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Life Outside the Office

Sandy claims to have no special talents, although she admits to being fond of singing in the shower. She also enjoys spending time with her family, playing golf, and watching SU Basketball and Lacrosse.

She’s married to her husband of 40+ years, who is retired. So she’s still working to pay for his golf! She has 4 children and 10 grandchildren.

Sandy is voted most likely to be seen playing with her grandchildren.