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Meet Your Dedicated Horan Team

Insurance agents who are here to serve you.


Meet Sean Becker

315-635-2095 (Phone/Text)
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“My ‘day’ job is CEO, but my ‘real’ job is being a Dad.”

Sean has been a dedicated team member since April Fool’s Day, 2009, and that’s not a joke.

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What Sean Brings to the Team

Being 6′ 4″, his special skill is reaching stuff on the top shelf and changing light bulbs in the ceiling.

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How Sean Will Assist You

Sean can simplify complicated concepts for clients to understand. His strong sense of community often brings people together in ways that benefit them. He’s a good listener and can be relied upon to provide a thoughtful response.

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Life Outside the Office

Sean enjoys woodworking and golfing. He claims to be good at the first one. He also likes reading and can never do enough of it. As a DIYer, he can often be found fixing something, and he enjoys a great conversation.

Sean and his wife have a second full-time career: keeping up with their teenage daughter’s busy schedule. Between her band involvement, karate (she’s a third-degree black belt), and track, there are lots of meets and events to attend!

Sean is voted most likely to create sawdust. That’s an avid woodworker for you.