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Meet Your Dedicated Horan Team

Insurance agents who are here to serve you.

COO, Senior Commercial Agent

Meet Steven Ladd


315-635-2095 (Phone/Text)
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Internally, Steven is known as the Integrator or the COO of Horan. While that is his internal title, his two primary day-to-day responsibilities are being the senior licensed insurance agent and managing the organization’s marketing arm.

Steven has been a dedicated team member since October 14, 2013.

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What Steven Brings to the Team

He regales the office with stories about the funny things that happen with his family while never being afraid to make fun of himself.

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How Steven Will Assist You

To put it bluntly, he is an insurance information addict, but he knows how to describe policy coverage in ways that mere mortals can understand. Steven is equally adept at problem-solving with clients and routinely provides the guidance required for them to make informed decisions.

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Life Outside the Office

“I love music and enjoy putting my headphones on and escaping into my favorite bands and songs.” Those include Chamberlain, Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, The Hotelier, Jimmy Eat World, Jawbreaker, any Yacht Rock, and New Wave classics.

He’s been married for 16 blissful years to a beautiful, intelligent, and thoughtful woman named Sarah. Together they have three sons who keep them laughing, make them proud, and sometimes make them ask, “Why would you do that?!”

The family has a dog named Dottie (aka Dot Dog), and Baldwin the cat (aka Baldoza).

Steven’s other passions:

  • playing wiffle ball with his wife and 3 sons,

  • coaching their baseball teams,

  • getting lost in an amazing TV series (like Ozark, Dexter, The Affair, The Wire, Six Feet Under, and more),

  • relaxing with his wife in the summer on their patio,

  • watching the Red Sox whenever possible, and

  • traveling to new places (which he admits he needs to do more of) and

  • being an early adopter of new marketing ideas.

Steven is voted most likely to ask at least two additional questions.