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Why New York Businesses Need Professional Liability Insurance

December 27th, 2023

8 min read

By Daniel J. Middleton

Why New York Businesses Need Professional Liability Insurance

If you are a professional in CNY who provides advice or services to clients, you know how important it is to do your job well. You care about your clients, and you want to help them achieve their goals. You have the skills and the experience to deliver quality work.

But what if something goes wrong? What if you make a mistake or overlook a detail that causes harm or loss to your client? What if your client sues you for errors or omissions in your work?

This is a nightmare scenario for any professional. You could face legal fees, damages, and reputation loss. You could lose your clients, your income, and your business.

That’s why you need professional liability insurance, also known as E&O insurance. This type of insurance covers you from lawsuits that arise from your professional advice or services. It can save you from the financial and emotional stress of E&O claims.

But not all E&O insurance policies are the same. You need a policy that suits your specific industry, service, and risk. You need a policy that is affordable, comprehensive, and customized.

That’s where Horan comes in. Horan is an experienced insurance agency in Central New York. We have been serving professionals like you since 2009. We understand your needs and challenges. We can help you find the best E&O insurance policy for your business.

This article will explain what E&O insurance is and why you need it. We will also share some examples of E&O claims and how to prevent them.

How Professional Liability Insurance Works

If you run a CNY business that provides advice or services to clients, you may face legal risks. Clients can sue you for errors, omissions, or negligence in your work. This can cost you a lot of money and reputation. 

That’s why you need professional liability insurance, also known as E&O insurance. This type of insurance covers the costs of defending yourself and paying damages if you lose a lawsuit.

Professional liability insurance is different from general liability insurance, which covers physical injuries or property damage. Professional liability insurance covers intangible losses, such as financial losses, emotional distress, or loss of data. It also covers claims that arise from your acts, errors, or omissions in your professional services.

Professional liability insurance is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on your industry, your clients, and your specific services. For example, a retail store owner may need a different policy than a small contractor, an accountant, or an IT expert. You should consult with an insurance specialist to find a policy that suits your needs and budget.

Who Needs Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is especially important for advice-based businesses, such as consultants. Consultants offer specialized knowledge and guidance to clients on various topics, such as law, medicine, finance, tech, design, and more. If you’re a consultant, you may face liability if a client claims that your advice caused harm or loss.

However, consultants are not the only ones who need professional liability insurance. Other professionals who may benefit from this coverage include architects, engineers, accountants, therapists, and agents. These professionals have certain characteristics in common, such as:

  • Credentials and skills that require training and certification.
  • Making subjective decisions that affect their clients’ outcomes.
  • Having privileged access to their clients’ confidential information.
  • Having the potential to impact their clients’ lives and livelihoods significantly.

One mistake or misunderstanding can lead to a lawsuit from a dissatisfied client, even if you did nothing wrong. Therefore, if you offer intangible services to clients, you should consider getting professional liability insurance. It can protect you from the legal risks and costs of doing business.

How IT Professionals and Accountants Can Avoid E&O Claims

IT professionals and insurance agents are among the most vulnerable to E&O claims. Their work involves complex and sensitive issues that can have serious consequences for their clients. Here are some examples of how they can face E&O lawsuits and how they can prevent them.

Errors and omissions insurance for IT professionalsIT Professionals

As an IT professional, you provide advice and solutions for technology-related problems. You may recommend software, hardware, or systems that suit your clients’ needs. However, if those products or services fail to perform as expected, you may be accused of faulty or misleading advice. 

For instance, a software bug may cause a security breach or a workflow disruption. The client may lose data, money, or reputation and blame the IT professional for the damage. 

To avoid such claims, IT professionals should clearly define their scope of work, deliver quality products and services, and communicate regularly with their clients.


Accountants help their clients with their financial records, taxes, and audits. If you’re an accountant, you may suggest different methods, deductions, and strategies that fit your clients’ goals and obligations. However, if your clients face penalties, fines, or lawsuits for errors or omissions in their accounting, you may be sued for incompetent or negligent advice.

For example, an accountant may recommend a tax deduction that isn’t allowed by the IRS. But if the client gets audited and has to pay back taxes and interest, the IRS may sue the accountant for failing to follow the tax laws. 

To avoid such claims, accountants should document their work with their clients, explain the risks and rewards of different choices, and advise their clients to keep their records updated and accurate.

How to Protect Yourself from E&O Claims with Documentation

Documentation is a key strategy to prevent and defend yourself from E&O claims. It can help you prove that you acted in good faith and followed professional standards. It can also help you avoid misunderstandings and disputes with your clients. Here are some tips on how to document your work effectively:

  • Keep records of all your client interactions, such as emails, phone calls, meetings, and contracts. Use timestamps, signatures, and receipts to verify the dates and details of your communications.
  • Use engagement letters to define the scope and terms of your work. Specify what services you will provide, what fees you will charge, and what responsibilities you and your client have. Make sure your client agrees and signs the letter before you start working.
  • Update your records regularly and keep them organized. Use folders, labels, and categories to sort your documents by client, project, and date. Store your records securely and back them up frequently.
  • Review your records periodically and check for errors or gaps. If you find any, correct them as soon as possible and inform your client. If you need to make changes to your work, get your client’s approval and document it.

How Real Estate Agents and Other Professionals Can Benefit from E&O Insurance

Real estate agents are among the most exposed to E&O claims. They deal with complex and emotional transactions that involve large sums of money and property. They may face allegations of misrepresentation, negligence, breach of contract, or fraud. 

A buyer may sue an agent for not disclosing a hidden defect in a Baldwinsville ranch or for losing a deposit to another bidder.

Other professionals who may need E&O insurance include 

  1. marketers
  2. public relations advisors, and 
  3. financial planners

If this is you, you offer advice and services that affect your clients’ brands, reputations, finances, and futures. You may face lawsuits for giving wrong or harmful advice or for failing to deliver the expected results.

E&O insurance can help you protect yourself from the legal and financial consequences of E&O claims. It can cover the costs of hiring a lawyer, going to court, settling a claim, or paying a judgment. It can also help you maintain your credibility and reputation in your industry.

3 easy steps to protecting your salon with professional liability insurance

How Personal Services and Contractors Can Avoid E&O Claims

Personal services and contractors are also prone to E&O claims. Why? Because you provide direct and tangible services to customers that can have lasting effects. You may face lawsuits for causing physical, emotional, or financial harm to your customers. 

Here are some examples of how you can encounter E&O claims and how you can prevent them.

Personal Services

This includes hairstylists, salons, spas, and other beauty-related businesses. If you’re in this category, you offer services that enhance your customers’ appearance and well-being. 

However, if you make a mistake or use the wrong product, you may cause damage or injury to your customers. 

For instance, a hairstylist may bleach a bride’s hair by accident or cause a burn or a rash with a dye. The customer may sue the hairstylist for ruining their special day or causing them pain. To avoid such claims, personal services should use quality products, follow safety protocols, and consult with their customers before and after the service.


This includes builders, remodelers, landscapers, and other home improvement businesses. If you’re a contractor, you offer services that improve your customers’ homes and properties. However, if you misadvise a customer or use a faulty product, you may cause them damage or loss.

Errors and omissions insurance for CNY contractors

Say a contractor recommends a decking product that is discontinued by the manufacturer. The customer may have to replace the entire deck if they need to repair or add to it. The customer may sue the contractor for wasting their money or lowering their home value. 

To avoid such claims, contractors should research the products they use, inform their customers of the pros and cons, and document their agreements and warranties.

How Mechanics and Other Automotive Professionals Can Reduce E&O Risks

Mechanics and other automotive professionals are also exposed to E&O risks. In this field, you provide advice and services for vehicles that are essential for your customers’ mobility and safety. 

You may face lawsuits for giving wrong or harmful advice or for performing poor or faulty services. Here are some examples of how mechanics and automotive professionals can face E&O claims and how they can prevent them.

Errors and omissions insurance for mechanics and other automotive experts


Mechanics diagnose and repair problems with vehicles. If this is your industry, you may recommend certain parts, schedules, or procedures that suit your customers’ immediate needs and preferences.

However, if you make a mistake or miss a detail, you may cause damage or injury to your customers or their vehicles. 

For example, a mechanic may advise a customer to change their oil less frequently than the manual suggests. But this may lead to engine failure or breakdown after a long drive. 

The customer may sue the mechanic for ruining their vehicle or endangering their life. To avoid such claims, mechanics should follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, use quality parts and tools, and test their work before returning the vehicle.

Other Automotive Professionals

This includes car dealers, brokers, inspectors, appraisers, and tow truck drivers. If you land in this category, you offer services that involve buying, selling, evaluating, or transporting vehicles. 

However, if you give inaccurate or misleading information or fail to deliver your services as promised, you may cause loss or damage to your customers or their vehicles. 

Let’s say a car dealer in Cicero sells a vehicle with a hidden defect or a false warranty. The customer may sue her for fraud, breach of contract, or negligence. 

To avoid such claims, automotive professionals should disclose all relevant facts, honor agreements as scheduled, and handle the vehicles with extra care.

How Consultants and Other High-Risk Professionals Can Get E&O Insurance

Consultants and other high-risk professionals need E&O insurance more than anyone else. If this is you, your advice can have serious consequences for your clients and yourself. You may face lawsuits for causing damage, injury, or death with your recommendations. 

Here are some examples of how you can get E&O insurance and why you need it.


This includes architects, engineers, designers, strategic advisors, and more. As a professional consultant, you offer general guidance that can be interpreted in different ways. You may recommend faulty products or services that lead to disasters. 

Say an engineering consultant suggests a furnace that explodes in a factory in Utica, New York, killing workers. The consultant may be sued by the families of the victims even though they didn’t make or install the furnace. 

Their advice started the chain of events that caused the tragedy. Few insurers want to cover such unpredictable risks.

Law and Medicine

CNY professionals in these fields have their own special types of E&O insurance, called malpractice insurance. They deal with sensitive and complex issues that affect their clients’ rights and health. They may face lawsuits for making mistakes or violating ethics. 

For example, a lawyer may miss a deadline or a doctor may misdiagnose a patient. The client may sue them for losing their case or worsening their condition. They need malpractice insurance to protect themselves from the legal and medical costs of their errors.

If you provide any kind of professional service, you need E&O insurance to cover the costs of legal defense and paying damages. You should work with a qualified agent who can help you find the best E&O insurance for your business. The agent can help you find specialized options and negotiate favorable terms. 

The cost of E&O insurance may vary depending on the industry, the service, and the risk. But no professional can afford to go without it.

Secure Your Livelihood with the Right Professional Liability Insurance

You’re a professional who cares about your clients and your work. You want to do your job well and avoid mistakes. Your good name means everything. Yet despite working diligently to serve clients, one mistake could shatter trust and result in a lawsuit. 

Mistakes can happen to anyone, and they can cost you a lot. You could lose your reputation, your clients, your income, and your business.

Having the right E&O insurance can protect you from the legal and financial risks of your professional advice or services. But finding that coverage isn’t always easy. Navigating the world of insurance can be a daunting task.

That’s where Horan can help. We’ll work with you to understand the risks associated with your industry and service. We’ll help understand how to prevent E&O claims. And we will help you secure the right E&O coverage. That way you can continue serving your clients, upholding your reputation, and growing your business.

If you’re ready for professional liability insurance tailored to your business, click the Get a Quote button below. One of our friendly insurance specialists will contact you to discuss your policy options.

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Daniel J. Middleton

Daniel is an accomplished content creator. He has been working in publishing for almost two decades. Horan Companies hired Daniel as its content manager in November 2022. The agency entrusted its messaging to him. Since then, Daniel has written insurance articles, service pages, PDF guides, and more. All in an effort to educate CNY readers. He's helping them understand the world of insurance so they can make informed decisions.