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Why Your Fast Food Restaurant Has Higher Liability and Property Risks

May 8th, 2024 | 7 min read

By Daniel J. Middleton

Why your fast food restaurant has higher property and liability risks.

As a fast food restaurant owner in Central New York, you’re no stranger to risk. Every day, you face the possibility of a customer slipping on a wet floor, a grease fire erupting in your kitchen, or a driver damaging your property in the drive-thru lane. 

These incidents aren’t just stressful—they can be downright devastating to your business if you’re not properly insured.

At Horan, we understand the unique challenges you face. We’re a CNY insurance agency in Baldwinsville, and we know that a single accident or property damage incident can mean the difference between a profitable month and a financial disaster. 

Having worked with CNY fast food restaurants in tailoring business policies since 2009, we also know that the fast pace of your business leaves little time for worrying about insurance coverage.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the specific risks fast food restaurants face and share real-world examples of how the right insurance coverage can make all the difference. 

The Increased Risks Fast Food Restaurants Face

Fast food restaurants are the epitome of a high-octane environment. You’ve got customers constantly moving in and out, orders flying off the counter, and a kitchen that never stops. It’s a fast-paced, high-stakes game where every second counts.

But with all that hustle and bustle comes increased liability and property risks. You’re dealing with hot grills, sharp utensils, and a floor that’s constantly at risk of spills. Not to mention the late-night hours that can attract a more rowdy crowd.

In this fast-moving world, it’s easy for accidents to happen. A customer slips on a freshly mopped floor. A fryer catches fire during the lunch rush. An argument in the parking lot turns into a brawl. These are the realities fast food restaurants face every day.

We explained ways to safeguard your employees in a previous article. But how do you keep your business and your customers safe in this high-risk environment? It starts with understanding the unique challenges you face and having a plan in place to mitigate those risks.

Below, we’ll dive into the specific liability and property risks fast food restaurants deal with. We’ll explore real-world examples and offer practical tips for protecting your business. Because in the fast-paced world of fast food, you can’t afford to let your guard down.

How a Busy Day at a Bakery Can Turn Into a Liability Nightmare

A busy bakery in Brewerton is famous for its Italian bread, available only on Tuesdays and Fridays. Every week, rain or shine, a line of eager customers stretches out the door, sometimes 20 deep, all waiting to get their hands on that fantastic bread.

Now imagine it’s Friday, and the bakery is down a staff member. The remaining team is scrambling to keep up with the demand. They’ve had to condense two lines into one, throwing off the regular flow. Customers are packed in tight, jostling for position.

Corey also trips over a wet floor sign that was placed there due to an earlier spill.The Indoor Slip and Fall Accident

One lucky customer, Corey, finally gets his bread and turns to leave. But in the confusion of the altered layout, Corey turns the wrong way and slams into a column. In the process, he not only drops their prized loaf, but also trips over a wet floor sign that was placed there due to an earlier spill. 

As Corey falls, the edge of the sign jams into his ribs, breaking one.

The Aftermath

Despite the bakery’s best efforts to keep things safe and orderly, they now have an injured customer on their hands. Even though it was an accident, it happened on their watch, and now they’re facing a potential liability claim.

This is the kind of situation any busy food service business can find themselves in. You’re doing your best to keep up with demand and keep things running smoothly, but in the controlled chaos of a packed house, accidents can happen in the blink of an eye.

The Importance of Robust Business Liability Coverage

That’s why it’s so critical for businesses in this sector to have robust liability coverage. No matter how many precautions you take, there’s always the chance that something could go wrong. And when it does, you want to be sure you’re protected.

The Perils of a Poorly Placed Lid: A Coffee Shop Catastrophe

While much attention is given to the risk of hot coffee burns in coffee shops, there are other, less obvious dangers lurking. Consider this chilling scenario:

It’s a freezing holiday night, and a coffee shop has decided to extend their hours to accommodate the festive crowd. A family comes in, the parents looking for a warm pick-me-up, their six-year-old child, Mindy, eagerly anticipating a special treat: a hot chocolate with all the trimmings.

As Mindy goes to take a sip of hot chocolate, disaster strikes.The Hot Chocolate Accident

The order is placed, the drinks are made. Little Mindy, barely able to contain her excitement, grabs her cup, topped high with whipped cream and marshmallows. But as she goes to take a sip, disaster strikes. The lid, not properly secured by the employee, pops off. Scalding hot chocolate cascades down Mindy’s chin, neck, and arm.

She is beside herself with pain. This was no ordinary hot chocolate—it was essentially boiling water mixed with powder, not something meant to come into contact with skin. The burns are severe, and an ambulance has to be called.

The Aftermath

For the coffee shop, this is a nightmare scenario. Despite any warnings printed on the cup, the fact remains that it was their employee’s mistake in not securing the lid properly that led directly to the child’s injuries. They’re now facing a major liability claim, not to mention the trauma inflicted on the young customer and her family.

Properly Preparing for Fast Food Service Mishaps

This incident underscores the importance of proper training and attention to detail in any food service setting. Something as simple as failing to snap a lid tightly enough can have severe consequences. It’s not just about the big, obvious risks—it’s the little, everyday actions that can make all the difference.

But even with the best training and the most attentive staff, accidents can still happen. That’s why having adequate liability coverage is absolutely essential for any business in the food service industry.

In a case like this, the right insurance could be the difference between a manageable incident and a devastating financial blow. It could cover 

  1. the child’s medical expenses
  2. any potential legal fees, and 
  3. the cost of any negative publicity that might arise from the incident.

No one wants to think about the worst-case scenarios. But as this coffee shop tale illustrates, they can happen to anyone, at any time. Being properly insured means you can focus on 

  1. running your business, 
  2. serving your customers, and 
  3. handling any challenges that come your way with confidence.

So while training, vigilance, and attention to detail are all crucial, they’re not the whole story. To truly protect your business, your staff, and your customers, you need the safety net of robust liability coverage. It’s not just a smart business move. It’s a necessity in today’s fast-paced, high-risk food service landscape.

The Perils of a Busy Mexican Restaurant Dinner Rush

It’s a blustery winter night, but inside our favorite Oswego fast-food Mexican restaurant, things are heating up. The dinner rush is in full swing, and the team is working at a fevered pitch to keep up with the orders flooding in, most of them destined for takeout.

One of the restaurant’s regulars—Greg—comes in, right on schedule. He’s a weekly fixture, known for always picking up not just his own dinner, but orders for his whole family. Tonight is no different, and Greg leaves with two bulging bags of burritos, tacos, and all the fixings.

As he exits, hands full and vision partially obscured by his overloaded bags, Greg pauses to hold the door for some incoming customers. They exchange smiles and thanks, a brief moment of human connection amidst the dinnertime chaos.

Greg, the restaurant’s regular, is badly hurt, having broken several facial bones in the fall.The Outdoor Slip and Fall Accident

But as he turns to navigate the few steps to his parked car, the worst happens. Greg’s foot slips on a small patch of ice that has accumulated on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant’s entrance. In an instant, Greg is down, his bags flying, their contents scattering across the cold pavement.

It’s a terrible scene. Greg, the restaurant’s regular, is badly hurt, having broken several facial bones in the fall. And there, mingled with the spilled beans, rice, and salsa, is the specter of a potential lawsuit.

The Aftermath

It’s a stark reminder that in the fast-paced world of food service, liability risks don’t end at your front door. Your responsibility extends to the safety of your customers as they come and go, navigating whatever hazards the weather or your property might present.

Properly Preparing for Outdoor Mishaps

Had there been better salting or ice removal protocols in place, perhaps this accident could have been prevented. But in the rush to keep up with the dinnertime demand, that small but crucial detail was overlooked, and now the consequences are spilled out across the pavement for all to see.

It’s a tough lesson, but one that every food service business needs to learn. Your commitment to your customers’ safety and well-being can’t end when they exit your doors. Robust liability coverage, combined with rigorous safety protocols, is essential to protecting your business and the people it serves.

When the Fryer Fires Back: The Importance of Proper Property Coverage

In the fast-paced world of fast food, your kitchen is your lifeblood. But it’s also a place of inherent risk, where hot oils, open flames, and busy staff create a perfect storm for potential property damage.

Imagine you have a typical fast food kitchen, compact and efficient, designed to churn out orders at a breakneck pace. But one day the fryer malfunctions, causing a sudden fire. The blaze is quickly contained, but the damage is done. Smoke has filled the kitchen, rendering much of your equipment unusable until they’re properly cleaned and restored.

In this scenario, even a small, isolated incident can have a huge impact. With your kitchen capacity severely diminished, your ability to operate is compromised. Every hour of downtime is an hour of lost revenue, not to mention disappointed customers.

This is where having the right property coverage becomes crucial. You need a policy that not only covers the cost of repairs and replacements, but also provides for swift action. The longer your kitchen is out of commission, the bigger the impact on your bottom line.

When selecting your insurance provider, pay close attention to their track record in handling claims like these. You want a carrier with a reputation for quick response and efficient resolution. Every day your fryer is down is a day you’re not serving up fries, after all.

It’s also vital to ensure that your coverage aligns with the actual value of your equipment. Underinsuring might save on premiums in the short term, but it could leave you high and dry when you need to make replacements.

As we all know, in the fast food game, speed is everything. That goes for your service, and it should go for your insurance too. With the right property coverage, you can make certain that a kitchen catastrophe is just a temporary setback, not a business-ending disaster.

Prevent Risks From Eating Away at Your Success with the Right Fast Food Restaurant Insurance

Running a fast food restaurant is a high-stakes game. Every day, you face a multitude of risks that could take a big bite out of your bottom line. But with the right insurance coverage, you can stay focused on serving up success.

Throughout this article, we’ve explored the unique liability and property risks fast food restaurants face. We’ve seen how a simple slip and fall, a misplaced coffee lid, or a malfunctioning fryer can lead to costly lawsuits and downtime. But we’ve also seen how having the right insurance partner can turn these potential disasters into mere bumps in the road.

By following the advice in this article and working with an experienced insurance agency, you can give your fast food business the robust coverage it needs to thrive. You’ll have the composure and security to handle whatever risks come your way, knowing that you’re prepared for the worst and positioned for the best.

That’s where we come in. With years of experience serving the fast food industry, we’ve developed a deep understanding of the risks you face and the coverage you need to protect your business. 

We’ll work with you to craft an extensive insurance plan that covers your liability and property risks, allowing you to focus on what you do best—serving up delicious food and great service.

Don’t let the risks inherent in the fast food industry eat away at your success. 

Click the Get a Quote button below to start protecting your business with the right insurance.

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Daniel J. Middleton

Daniel is an accomplished content creator. He has been working in publishing for almost two decades. Horan Companies hired Daniel as its content manager in November 2022. The agency entrusted its messaging to him. Since then, Daniel has written insurance articles, service pages, PDF guides, and more. All in an effort to educate CNY readers. He's helping them understand the world of insurance so they can make informed decisions.