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Why Breaking Your Car Window for Locked Keys Puts Your Insurance at Risk

August 14th, 2024 | 3 min read

By Daniel J. Middleton

Why breaking your car window for locked keys puts your insurance at risk

You've just finished shopping in Syracuse and are heading back to your car. As you approach, your heart sinks. Your keys are sitting on the front seat or hanging from the ignition, and you're locked out. In Central New York, where the weather can be unforgiving, this situation can quickly escalate from inconvenient to stressful.

At the Horan insurance agency, we understand the panic that sets in when you're locked out of your car. We've seen how this moment of crisis can lead to decisions that have long-lasting consequences on your insurance coverage and financial well-being.

As an independent agency working with multiple carriers, we have unique insights into how seemingly small actions can have big impacts on your policy. 

In this article, we'll explore why breaking your car window is never the right solution, even if you think your insurance will cover it.

By reading to the end, you'll understand the risks involved and learn better ways to handle this common predicament without jeopardizing your insurance.

The Allure of Quick Solutions When Locked Out in Central New York

Picture this: You're standing outside your locked car in a parking lot in Baldwinsville. It's getting dark, and the temperature is dropping. Your keys are tantalizingly visible inside the car. 

The thought crosses your mind: “What if I just break that small back window? I could reach in, unlock the door, and be on my way. The cold air won't be as harsh if I break the smaller window.”

This scenario plays out more often than you might think, especially when people believe their insurance will cover the damage.

Hidden Costs Beyond Glass Repair for Self-Inflicted Damage

You might be tempted to break a window, especially if you have comprehensive insurance with a zero-dollar glass deductible. It seems like a quick fix—break the glass, retrieve your keys, and file a claim to get it replaced at no cost. However, this thinking overlooks crucial aspects of how insurance works.

What is Insurance FraudLegal Ramifications of Insurance Fraud for Car Window Breakage

What many Central New York drivers don't realize is that intentionally breaking your own car window, even to retrieve locked keys, is considered insurance fraud. It's not just about the cost of the glass—it's about the principle of insurance coverage.

No Coverage for Intentional Acts

It's crucial to understand that no insurance policy that covers property, including auto insurance, provides coverage for intentional or willful acts that lead to a loss. Breaking your own window falls squarely into this category.

Long-Term Fallout from Denied Claims and Policy Cancellations

When you file a claim, the claims representative will ask how the window broke. If you admit to breaking it yourself, or if the truth comes out during their investigation, your claim will be denied.

But it doesn't stop there. Your insurance company may cancel your policy altogether. They might even report the incident to insurance databases, affecting your ability to obtain coverage in the future.

Future Insurance Challenges After Breaking Your Own Window

If your policy is canceled due to fraud, you'll face significant challenges when seeking new insurance. Companies view fraud very seriously, and you may find yourself paying much higher premiums or struggling to find coverage at all.

Insurance is built on trust between you and your provider. Breaking that trust, even for something that might seem minor at the time, can have long-lasting consequences. It can affect not just your auto insurance, but potentially other types of coverage as well.

Smart Alternatives for Locked-Out Drivers in Central New York

Instead of risking your insurance coverage and financial stability, consider these safer options when you're locked out of your car:

  1. Call a family member or friend with a spare key
  2. Use your roadside assistance plan (if you have one)
  3. Contact a reputable local locksmith
  4. If you're a AAA member, give them a call for assistance

It's crucial to refrain from the window-breaking option unless you're prepared to replace the glass at your own cost. A moment of inconvenience is far better than years of insurance troubles.

Protect Your Coverage Through Informed Decision-Making

Using your insurance wisely is key to maintaining affordable, extensive coverage. By avoiding actions that could be considered fraud, you protect not just your policy, but your long-term financial wellbeing.

A moment of frustration isn't worth risking your insurance coverage. If you find yourself locked out of your car in Central New York, take a deep breath and consider your options carefully.

Don't let uncertainty about your insurance hold you back from making smart decisions. Take the first step toward protecting your vehicle and your future.

Click the Get a Quote button below to start a conversation with our knowledgeable team. We'll help you find the right coverage to protect you in all of life's unexpected moments—without resorting to drastic measures.

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Daniel J. Middleton

Daniel is an accomplished content creator. He has been working in publishing for almost two decades. Horan Companies hired Daniel as its content manager in November 2022. The agency entrusted its messaging to him. Since then, Daniel has written insurance articles, service pages, PDF guides, and more. All in an effort to educate CNY readers. He's helping them understand the world of insurance so they can make informed decisions.